The Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR) designs, validates and freely disseminates knowledge. SOCR invents, implements, confirms, and shares cutting-edge tools and end-to-end computational protocols for study designs, mathematical modeling, probability inference, statistical computing, and artificial intelligence. Working with collaborators, these resources are applied in a wide range of applications from health discoveries to STEM education, technology-enhanced instruction, and predictive big data analytics.
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SOCR faculty, research staff and students provide consulting services to academic trainees, scolars and centers, state and government organizations, industry partners, and non-profit entities. Services cover study designs, biostatistics, statistical analysis, data science, visualization, ML/AI, forecasting, computing math modeling, data management, etc.
SOCR Internet-based probability, statistics, applied methods, data analytic and health science books, including the Probability and Statistics EBook, the Scientific Methods for Health Sciences (SMHS) EBook, the Data Science and Predictive Analytics (DSPA) Book, the Spacekime Analytics TCIU Book, and other textbooks referencing SOCR resources.
Graphical, keyword and hyperbolic navigators for traversing, discovery and exploration of the variety of SOCR resources.