
HS 851, or equivalent, instructor may review syllabi of previously taken courses (past 5 years) and/or require a test to assess the equivalence of the student background, as necessary.

Course Description

This is a general linear modeling course, building on HS 851, focusing on commonly employed scientific computing techniques used in health sciences. The primary aim of the course is to provide students with the necessary skills to determine appropriate use, carry out, and interpret general linear modeling. Statistical software will be used to manipulate data, fit models and perform model diagnostics.


Students will learn how to:
  • Compare and contrast advanced statistical concepts, grasp model assumptions/limitations and apply them for quantitative analyses in healthcare research
  • Apply multivariate statistical modeling enabling consistency between research questions and selected advanced statistical analyses
  • Critique and select appropriate advanced statistical linear models for defined healthcare issues
  • Conduct multivariate statistical analyses, such as multidimensional chi squares, logistic regression, principal components analysis, survival analysis, repeated measures ANOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA, linear mixed models, hierarchical linear models.

Examples of Topics Covered

  • MLR Regression
  • GLM
  • Repeated measures ANOVA
  • partial) correlation
  • Time series analysis
  • Fixed, randomized and mixed models
  • Hierarchical Linear Models
  • Mixture modeling
  • Surveys
  • Longitudinal data
  • Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) models
  • Model Fitting and Model Quality (KS-test)
  • Common mistakes and misconceptions in using probability and statistics, identifying potential assumption violations, and avoiding them.

Teaching and Learning Methods

This course meets weekly four times on campus however, as necessary, blended instructional techniques will be employed to accommodate student and program constrains. Synchronous web-streaming of lectures/labs and asynchronous virtual office hour forums will be supported. Assignments will be announced on the web and will be electronically collected, graded and recorded. A variety of teaching methods will be used including lecture, Journal Club, discussion, small group work, and guest presentation. HS852 is a 4 credit hour course (3 lectures + 1 lab/discussion).


Scientific Methods for Health Sciences EBook. Additional resources will be made available through the SOCR Wiki and may include chapters, websites for review, references, reports posted online, ebooks and learning modules.

Assignments and Evaluation Methods

  • 40% Homework Projects
  • 30% Midterm Exam
  • 30% Final Paper

Current Offerings

Past Offerings

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