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registerDoParallel(10,cores = detectCores()-2)

Read the Rdata file


Put in all functions

  1. Reshape the title to fit the space of plot
#' Reshape the title
#' @param titl vector contains titles that need to be reshaped
changetitle <- function(titl) {
  for (i in 1:length(titl)) {
    for (j in 1:8) {
      tempchar[which(tempchar==" ")[which(tempchar==" ")>k][1]]<-"\n"
    tempchar<-paste(tempchar,collapse = "")

#' Creating plot result for K-space transformation
#' This function can choose to generate all plots related to the K-space transformation. Or we could choose features code to select features we like to see to generate K-space transformation result.
#'@param dataFT data inherited from function "kSpaceTransform", K-space transformed dataset.
#'@param dataColnames feature names for the transformed dataset
#'@param size size of the text inside the plot
#'@param option two options avaliable: "All": to plot for all features, "Select": to select several features you wish to show 
#'@param select_feature if "option" is setted as "Select", then put inside a sequence to indicate the features you wish to show with this function.
plotPhaseDistributions <- function (dataFT, dataColnames, size=10, option="ALL",select_feature=NULL,...) {
  df.phase <-$phases))
  df.phase %>% gather() %>% head()
  colnames(df.phase) <- dataColnames
  phaseDistributions <- gather(df.phase)
  colnames(phaseDistributions) <- c("Feature", "Phase")
  if (is.null(size)) size=10
  # map the value as our x variable, and use facet_wrap to separate by the key column:
  ggplot(phaseDistributions, aes(Phase)) + 
    # geom_histogram(bins = 10) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), bins = 10) + 
    facet_wrap( ~Feature, scales = 'free_x') +
    xlim(-pi, pi) + 
    theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = size, colour = "black", angle = 0))}
  else if(option=="Select"){
    NphaseDistributions<-phaseDistributions[which(phaseDistributions$Feature %in% choosefeat),]
  ggplot(NphaseDistributions, aes(Phase)) + 
    # geom_histogram(bins = 10) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), bins = 10) + 
    facet_wrap( ~Feature, scales = 'free_x') +
    xlim(-pi, pi) + 
    theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = size, colour = "black", angle = 0))}
    return("Wrong input on option, Please try again")

#'Conduct three different phase synthesis methods and create ARIMAX model based on different method.
#'This function can reconstruct the dataset based on three phase synthesis methods: Nil-Phase Synthesis, Swapped-Phase Synthesis and Random-Phase Synthesis. Also it can construct different ARIMAX model based on the phase synthesis method chosen. 
#'@param X inherited from function "homologousX_features", we can get parameter X by "homologousX_features(country1,country2)$$X_Country1"
#'@param Y inherited from function "preprocess_ARIMA", we can get parameter Y by "preprocess_ARIMA$Y"
#'@param ts_Y_test time series vector, must be set from function "ts" and must be created based on testing set
#'@param option choose the phase synthesis method used in the reconstruction or ARIMAX model. Three options are valid: "Nil-Phase", "Swapped-Phase", "Random-Phase"
#'@param result choose the result shown by this function. Two options are valid: "ARIMAX": this will show the ARIMAX model created by the chosen phase synthesis method. "reconstruct": this will show the reconstruction procedure based on the chosen phase synthesis method, but the ARIMAX model won't be built.
#'@param rename_Y rename the return result of Y
#'@return if the "result" parameter is setted as "reconstruct", then the reconstruction result will be shown. if setted as "ARIMAX", then the detailed ARIMAX model will be built.

PS_ARIMAX_remodel <- function(X,Y,ts_Y_test,option="Nil-Phase",result="ARIMAX",rename_Y="Y_GDP_Belgium") {
  FT<-kSpaceTransform(temp_data, FALSE, NULL)
    nilPhase_FT_data <- array(complex(real=0, imaginary=0), c(dim(temp_data)[1], dim(temp_data)[2]))
    ##IFT_NilPhase_FT <- array(complex(), c(dim(temp_data)[1], dim(temp_data)[2]))
    #       Invert back to spacetime the FT_Belgium$magnitudes[ , i] signal with nil-phase
    IFT_NilPhase_FT<- Re(kSpaceTransform(FT$magnitudes, TRUE, nilPhase_FT_data))
    colnames(IFT_NilPhase_FT) <- c(colnames(X), rename_Y)

    dim(nilPhase_FT_data),dim(IFT_NilPhase_FT), dim(FT$magnitudes),
    colnames(IFT_NilPhase_FT), head(IFT_NilPhase_FT),IFT_NilPhase_FT)) # head(temp_Data)
  else if(option=="Swapped-Phase"){
    swapped_phase_FT_data <- FT$phases
    colnames(swapped_phase_FT_data) <- c(colnames(X), rename_Y)
    swapped_phase_FT_data1 <- swapped_phase_FT_data
    IFT_SwappedPhase_FT <- array(complex(), c(dim(temp_data)[1], dim(temp_data)[2]))
    set.seed(12345)   # sample randomly Phase-columns for each of the 131 covariates (X)
    #swap_phase_FT_Belgium_indices <- sample(ncol(swapped_phase_FT_Belgium_data)-1)
    # for (j in 1:131) {  # for all coluns of the design Xreg matrix, excluding Y, randomly swap columns phases
    #  swapped_phase_FT_Belgium_data1[ , j] <- swapped_phase_FT_Belgium_data[, swap_phase_FT_Belgium_indices[j]]
    swapped_phase_FT_data1 <-
      swapped_phase_FT_data[ , sample(ncol(swapped_phase_FT_data[ , 1:(ncol(swapped_phase_FT_data)-1)]))], 
      swapped_phase_FT_data[ , ncol(swapped_phase_FT_data)]))
    swapped_phase_FT_data <- swapped_phase_FT_data1
    colnames(swapped_phase_FT_data)[ncol(swapped_phase_FT_data)] <- rename_Y
    # Invert back to spacetime the FT_Belgium$magnitudes[ , i] signal using the feature swapped phases
    IFT_SwappedPhase_FT <- Re(kSpaceTransform(FT$magnitudes, TRUE, swapped_phase_FT_data))
    colnames(IFT_SwappedPhase_FT) <- c(colnames(X), rename_Y)

    dim(swapped_phase_FT_data) ,
    # [1] 360 132
    dim(swapped_phase_FT_data), dim(FT$phases),
    dim(IFT_SwappedPhase_FT), dim(FT$magnitudes),
    colnames(IFT_SwappedPhase_FT), tail(IFT_SwappedPhase_FT),IFT_SwappedPhase_FT)) # tail(temp_Data)
  else if(option=="Random-Phase"){
    #randPhase_FT_data <- array(complex(), c(dim(temp_data)[1], dim(temp_data)[2]))
    IFT_RandPhase_FT <- array(complex(), c(dim(temp_data)[1], dim(temp_data)[2]))
    randPhase_FT_data <- FT$phases
    for (i in 1:(dim(randPhase_FT_data)[2] -1)) {
      if (i < dim(randPhase_FT_data)[2]) {
        set.seed(12345)   # sample randomly Phases for each of the 131 predictors covariates (X)
        randPhase_FT_data[ , i] <- FT$phases[sample(nrow(FT$phases)), i]
      } else {   } # for the Y outcome (Last Column) - do not change the phases of the Y
    #       Invert back to spacetime the FT_Belgium$magnitudes[ , i] signal with avg-phase
    IFT_RandPhase_FT <- Re(kSpaceTransform(FT$magnitudes, TRUE, randPhase_FT_data))
    colnames(IFT_RandPhase_FT) <- c(colnames(X), rename_Y)
    return(  list(
    dim(randPhase_FT_data),    # ;  head(randPhase_FT_data)
    # [1] 360 132
    dim(IFT_RandPhase_FT), dim(FT$magnitudes) ,
    colnames(IFT_RandPhase_FT), tail(IFT_RandPhase_FT), # tail(temp_Data)
    dim(IFT_RandPhase_FT), head(Re(IFT_RandPhase_FT)), tail(Re(IFT_RandPhase_FT))))
  #construction of time-series analysis
  # Perform ARIMAX modeling on IFT_NilPhase_FT_Belgium; report (p,d,q) params and quality metrics AIC/BIC
  # library(forecast)
  IFT_FT_Y_train <- IFT_FT[1:300, ncol(IFT_FT)]
  IFT_FT_Y_test <- IFT_FT[301:360]
  # Training and Testing Data Covariates explaining the longitudinal outcome (Y)
  IFT_FT_X_train <-[1:300, 1:(ncol(IFT_FT)-1)]; dim(IFT_FT_X_train)
  IFT_FT_X_test <-[301:360, 1:(ncol(IFT_FT)-1)]; dim(IFT_FT_X_test)
  # Outcome Variable to be ARIMAX-modelled, as a timeseries
  ts_IFT_FT_Y_train <- 
    ts(IFT_FT_Y_train, start=c(2000,1), end=c(2014, 20), frequency = 20)
  modArima_IFT_FT_Y_train <- 
    auto.arima(ts_IFT_FT_Y_train, xreg=as.matrix(IFT_FT_X_train))

  pred_arimax <- forecast(modArima_IFT_FT_Y_train, xreg = as.matrix(IFT_FT_X_test))
  pred_arimax_2015_2017 <- 
    ts(pred_arimax$mean, frequency=20, start=c(2015,1), end=c(2017,20))
  # alternatively:
  # pred_arimax_1_0_1_2015_2017 <- predict(modArima_IFT_NilPhase_FT_Belgium_Y_train, 
  #                                              n.ahead = 3*20, newxreg = IFT_NilPhase_FT_Belgium_X_test)$pred
  # Labor cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies), effect=-1.5972295 
  #                                                                      ar1, effect=-1.4231617 
  #                                 Labor cost other than wages and salaries, effect=-1.2213214 
  #                                                                      ma1, effect=-0.9869571 
  #                                                                      ar2, effect=-0.8591937 
  #           Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 12 to 17 months, effect=-0.7075454 
  #             Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 18 to 23 months, effect=-0.5797656 
  #               Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 3 to 5 months, effect=-0.5026139 
  #                                                                     sar2, effect=-0.3450866 
  #             Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 24 to 47 months, effect=-0.2965540 
  Correlation=cor(pred_arimax$mean, ts_Y_test), 
    print(paste0("Wrong input for option or result, please try again.") )

1 Fit the ARIMA model for each country

1.1 Belgium

Extract data for Belgium.

# Choose Belgium and fit the arima
belgium =
  time_series %>%
  filter(country == "Belgium") %>%
  # delete the feature that is missing for all the time
  select_if(function(col) sum( != length(col) ) %>%

The dimension of dataset related to Belgium are 72, 170.

Manually clean (preprocess) the Belgium data and fit ARIMAX model \[Y = BelguimSuperSample\$'Unemployment,\ Females,\ From\ 15-64\ years,\ Total',\]

\[X = XReg\ (all\ other\ covariates\ -starts\_with('Unemployment')).\]

# Reformate the belgium matrix
BelguimSuperSample <-
  belgium %>% 
  as.matrix() %>% 
  cleardata() %>%
  splinecreate() %>%

# Outcome Features to examine, predict, forecast, spacekime-analyze
#   "Gross domestic product at market prices"
#   "Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, Total"
#   "Capital transfers, payable"       
#   "Capital transfers, receivable"
#   "Debt securities"
#   "Government consolidated gross debt"
#   ... View(colnames(BelguimMatrix))

feature: “Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, Total”

#    "Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, Total"
Y = select(BelguimSuperSample, "Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, Total")
X = select(BelguimSuperSample, -starts_with("Unemployment"))
X = as.matrix(X)
fitArimaX = auto.arima(Y, xreg=X[,-112])

dimension of this feature: Y: 360, 1, X:360, 143
ARIMAX model AR and MA coefficients: 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0

#    "Government consolidated gross debt"
#Y = select(BelguimSuperSample, "Government consolidated gross debt"); dim(Y)
#X = select(BelguimSuperSample, -matches("debt|Debt")); dim(X)
# X_scale <- scale(X); Matrix::rankMatrix(X_scale); any(; any(is.infinite(X_scale))
#     remove columns with infinite or missing value  
# X_scale_1 <- X_scale[ , !is.infinite(colSums(X_scale)) & !]
#X_1 <- X[ , !is.infinite(colSums(X)) & !]; dim(X_1); Matrix::rankMatrix(X_1)
#X_2 <- X_1[, qr(X_1)$pivot[seq_len(qr(X_1)$rank)]]; dim(X_2)
#fitArimaX = auto.arima(Y, xreg=X_2, method = "CSS", # "SANN", method = "CSS", optim.method = "BFGS"
#          optim.control=list(maxit = 20000, temp = 20), optim.method = "BFGS")
#fitArimaX; View(sort(fitArimaX$coef)[1:10]); fitArimaX$arma

#   "Gross domestic product at market prices"
Y = select(BelguimSuperSample, "Gross domestic product at market prices")
X = select(BelguimSuperSample, -matches("debt|Debt"))  # 360 167
X <- X[, qr(X)$pivot[seq_len(qr(X)$rank)]]
X = as.matrix(X)
ts_Y <- ts(Y, start=c(2000,1), end=c(2017, 20), frequency = 20); length(ts_Y)
## [1] 360
fitArimaX = auto.arima(ts_Y, xreg=X[ , -c(50:60)])
# 5  0  2  0 20  0  0
# sigma^2 estimated as 57.04:  log likelihood=-1132.78 AIC=2593.55   AICc=2871.09   BIC=3230.88

dimension of this feature: Y: 360, 1, X:360, 167 ARIMAX model AR and MA coefficients: 5, 0, 2, 0, 20, 0, 0

pred_arimaX_5_0_2_Y_Belgium_train300_Belgium_test60 <- 
  predict(fitArimaX, n.ahead = 60, newxreg = X[301:360 , -c(50:60)])$pred
#Output here:

plot(forecast(fitArimaX, xreg = X[301:360 , -c(50:60)]),        # ARIMA forecast
     include=120, lwd=4, lty=3, xlab="Time", ylab="GDP", ylim=c(50, 150),
     main = "ARIMAX Analytics (Train: 2000-2017; Test: 2018-2020) GDP Forecasting\n
      based on fitting ARIMAX Models on raw (spline interpolated) Belgium data")

lines(pred_arimaX_5_0_2_Y_Belgium_train300_Belgium_test60, col = "red", lwd = 4, lty=3)

legend("topleft", bty="n",
       legend=c("Belgium Training Data (2000-2017)",
                "ARIMAX(5,0,2)-model GDP Forecasting (2018-2020)",
                "ARIMAX(5,0,2)-model GDP Forecasting (2018-2020)"),
       col = c("black", "blue", "red"),
       lty = c(3,3,3), lwd=c(4,4,4), cex=1.2, x.intersp=1.5, y.intersp=0.6)

text(2015, 60, expression(atop(paste("Training Region (2000-2017)"),
                paste(Model(Unempl) %->% "ARIMAX(p, q, r) ;  ",
                      XReg %==% X[i], " ", i %in% {1 : 167}))), cex=1.5)
text(2019.5, 60, expression(atop(paste("Validation Region (2018-2020)"),
        paste(hat(Unempl) %<-% "ARIMAX(5,0 ,2); ",
              XReg %==% X[i], " ", i %in% {1 : 167}))), cex=1.5)

  • GDP Description:
    GDP (gross domestic product) is an indicator for a nation?s economic situation. It reflects the total value of all goods and services produced less the value of goods and services used for intermediate consumption in their production. Expressing GDP in PPS (purchasing power standards) eliminates differences in price levels between countries, and calculations on a per head basis allows for the comparison of economies significantly different in absolute size.

GDP unit of measure represents the Current prices, euro per capita. The volume index of GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) is intended for cross-country comparisons rather than for temporal comparisons. GDP per capita when expressed in PPS eliminates the differences in price levels between countries allowing meaningful volume comparisons of GDP between countries. Expressed in relation to the European Union (EU27 GDP = 100), a country with an index that is higher than \(100\) or lower than \(100\) correspond to that this country’s level of GDP per head being higher or lower than the EU average, respectively.

1.2 Bulgaria

Define a new function that (1) cleans the data, and (2) fits the ARIMA model estimating the seasonal and non-seasonal time-series parameters \((p,d,q)\) and the effect-sizes (\(\beta\)’s) for the exogenous regression features (\(X\)).

Bulgaria = filter(time_series,country == "Bulgaria")
BulgariaARIMA = 
  Fit_ARIMA(country ='Bulgaria', 
            start=2000, end=2017, frequency=20,
            feature="Gross domestic product at market prices")
## [1] "dim(X)=(360,168);   dim(Y)=(360,1) ..."
# Outcome Variable to be modelled, as a timeseries: 2000 - 2017 (18 years, Quarterly measures)
# Spline interpolation *5;   2000-01 - 2014-20 (300 observations for training): 60 observations (2015-2017) for Testing

Belgium  <- filter(time_series, country == "Belgium")
Bulgaria <- filter(time_series, country == "Bulgaria")
Netherlands <- filter(time_series, country == "Netherlands")
# Test preprocess_ARIMA()
#preprocess_Belgium <- preprocess_ARIMA(country = 'belgium', start=2000, end=2014,
#                frequency=20, feature="Gross domestic product at market prices")
#preprocess_Bulgaria <- preprocess_ARIMA(country = 'bulgaria', start=2000, end=2014,
#                frequency=20, feature="Gross domestic product at market prices")

# Test homologousX_features
# homoFeat <- homologousX_features(preprocess_Belgium$X, preprocess_Bulgaria$X)
# X_Belgium  <- homoFeat$X_Country1
# X_Bulgaria <- homoFeat$X_Country2

# Belgium = filter(time_series,country == "Belgium")
BelgiumARIMA = 
  fit_ARIMA(country1 = 'Belgium', country2 = 'Bulgaria', # country = Netherlands,
            start=2000, end=2014, frequency=20,
            feature="Gross domestic product at market prices" )
## [1] "Processing feature: ...Gross domestic product at market prices... "
## [1] "dim(X)[1]=300"
## [1] "dim(X)=(300,136);   dim(Y)=(300,1) ..."
## [1] "Processing feature: ...Gross domestic product at market prices... "
## [1] "dim(X)[1]=300"
## [1] "dim(X)=(300,137);   dim(Y)=(300,1) ..."
## [1] "dim(X1)=(300,131);   dim(X2)=(300,131)!"
# sigma^2 estimated as 45.99:  log likelihood=-919.13 AIC=2116.26 AICc=2359.51 BIC=2631.09

# Outcome Variable to be modelled, as a timeseries: 2000 - 2017 (18 years, Quarterly measures)
# Spline interpolation x5;   2000-01 - 2014-20 (300 observations for training)
# ts_Y_Belgium_train <- ts(Y_Belgium_train, start=c(2000,1), end=c(2014, 20), frequency=20)
# length(ts_Y_Belgium_train)
# ts_Y_Belgium_test <- ts(Y_Belgium_test, start=c(2015,1), end=c(2017, 20), frequency = 20)
# Find ARIMAX model
# arimaX_Belgium_train <- auto.arima(ts_Y_Belgium_train, xreg=X_Belgium_train); # arimaX_Belgium_train$arma

ARIMA model created on Bulgaria: 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0
ARIMA model created on Belgium with comparison to Bulgaria 5, 0, 2, 0, 20, 0, 0

2 TS Forecasting

2.1 Perform ARIMAX modeling

Predict Y={Gross domestic product at market prices}, using all other features not directly related to *GDP. Recall the core data organization:

  • 131 (common BE + BG) Xreg Predictors and 1 Outcome Variable to be modeled as a timeseries: 2000 - 2014 (15 years, Quarterly measures, 5-fold spline interpolation, \(15*4*5=300\));
  • Spline interpolation x5 (freq=20 observations per year); 2000-01 to 2014-20 (300 timepoint observations over 15 years, for training). The remaining 60 timepoints used for testing (2015-01 to 2017-20).

Report ARIMA(p,d,q) params and quality metrics AIC/BIC.

The rank order of the top 10 indicators driving up the (relative) GDP-PPS along with their effect-sizes:(BOOK: VI-173)

# Previously, we already extracted the Belgium and Bulgaria Data, preprocess it, 
# and fit ARIMAX (Belgium-training) model. Now, we will assess the model on Bulgaria_testing sets
# BelgiumARIMA = fit_ARIMA(country1Data=Belgium, country2Data=Bulgaria,
#                    start=2000, end=2014, frequency=20,
#                    feature="Gross domestic product at market prices")
# BelgiumARIMA$arma    # [1]  4  0  2  0 20  0  0

# View rank-ordered ARIMAX effects:
# View(BelgiumARIMA$coef[order(BelgiumARIMA$coef)])
datatable(data.frame(Value=sort(BelgiumARIMA$coef)[1:10]),fillContainer = TRUE)
#           Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 18 to 23 months 
#                                                               -1.5203281 
#                                                                      ar2 
#                                                               -1.1808472 
#                                 Labor cost other than wages and salaries 
#                                                               -0.8380554 
#           Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 12 to 17 months 
#                                                               -0.7037336 
#                                                                      ar4 
#                                                               -0.6360880 
#                                                                     sar2 
#                                                               -0.6260002 
#             Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 3 to 5 months 
#                                                               -0.5262376 
#  Labor cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies) 
#                                                               -0.2885038 
#              Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, 48 months or over 
#                                                               -0.2773650 
#               Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 3 to 5 months 
#                                                               -0.2567934 

Doing predictions:

#Get the Prospective Xreg=X design matrices ready (2015-2017, 60 rows)
preprocess_Belgium <- preprocess_ARIMA( country = 'Belgium', 
                    start=2000, end=2017, frequency=20, 
                    feature="Gross domestic product at market prices")
## [1] "Processing feature: ...Gross domestic product at market prices... "
## [1] "dim(X)[1]=360"
## [1] "dim(X)=(360,136);   dim(Y)=(360,1) ..."
preprocess_Bulgaria <- preprocess_ARIMA(country = 'Bulgaria',  #Netherlands
                    start=2000, end=2017, frequency=20, 
                    feature="Gross domestic product at market prices")
## [1] "Processing feature: ...Gross domestic product at market prices... "
## [1] "dim(X)[1]=360"
## [1] "dim(X)=(360,137);   dim(Y)=(360,1) ..."
homoFeat <- homologousX_features(preprocess_Belgium$X, preprocess_Bulgaria$X)
## [1] "dim(X1)=(360,131);   dim(X2)=(360,131)!"
X_Belgium_test  <- as.matrix(homoFeat$X_Country1[301:360, ])
X_Bulgaria_test <- as.matrix(homoFeat$X_Country2[301:360, ])

# Get Predictions
pred_arimaX_4_0_2_Y_Belgium_train300_Bulgaria_test60 <- 
      forecast(BelgiumARIMA, xreg = X_Bulgaria_test)$mean
pred_arimaX_4_0_2_Y_Belgium_train300_Belgium_test60 <- 
      forecast(BelgiumARIMA, xreg = X_Belgium_test)$mean
pred_arimaX_4_0_2_Y_Belgium_train300_Offset_Bulgaria_test60 <-
  forecast(BelgiumARIMA, xreg = X_Bulgaria_test)$mean +
  mean(pred_arimaX_4_0_2_Y_Belgium_train300_Belgium_test60) -

cor(pred_arimaX_4_0_2_Y_Belgium_train300_Belgium_test60, ts_Y_Belgium_test)  # 0.11
## [1] 0.1526309
mean(pred_arimaX_4_0_2_Y_Belgium_train300_Belgium_test60) # [1] 118
## [1] 110.9725
# Alternative predictions:
# X_Country1 <- X_Belgium_test; X_Country2 <- X_Bulgaria_test
# pred_arimaX_1_0_2_Y_Belgium_train300_Bulgaria_test60 <- predict(BelgiumARIMA, n.ahead = 60, newxreg = X_Bulgaria_test)$pred
# pred_arimaX_1_0_2_Y_Belgium_train300_Belgium_test60 <- predict(BelgiumARIMA, n.ahead = 60, newxreg = X_Belgium_test)$pred

Belgium test set dimensions: 60, 131
Bulgaria test set dimensions: 60, 131
Correlation: 0.1526309
Mean: 110.9725004

2.2 Display the alternative (spacetime) analytical models (ARIMAX)

Plot only the last 5-years of training (2010-2014), \(100TimePoints=5Years\times 4Quarters\times 5SuperSample\) and the 3-year prospective forecasting \(60TimePoints=3Years\times 4Quarters\times 5SuperSample\).

ts_Y_Belgium_test <- 
  ts(preprocess_Belgium$Y[301:360, ], 
     start=c(2015,1), end=c(2017, 20), frequency = 20)

## [1] 60
## png 
##   2
#Output here:

plot(forecast(BelgiumARIMA, xreg = X_Belgium_test),         # ARIMA forecast
     include=100, lwd=4, lty=3,
     xlab="Time", ylab="GPD Purchasing Power Standards (PPS)",
     ylim=c(0, 150),
     main = "ARIMAX Analytics (Train: 2000-2014; Test: 2015-2017) GDP (PPS) Forecasting\n
      based on fitting ARIMAX Models on raw (spline interpolated) Belgium data")
      col = "green", lwd = 4, lty=2)   # Belgium train+test

      col = "purple", lwd = 4, lty=1) # Belgium train+Bulgaria test

      col = "orange", lwd = 4, lty=1)

# Belgium train+ Offset Bulgaria test: 188.3753 - 416.5375
lines(ts_Y_Belgium_test, col = "red", lwd = 6, lty=1)       # Observed Y_Test timeseries

legend("topleft", bty="n",
       legend =
         c("Belgium Training Data (2000-2014)",
           "ARIMAX(4,0,2)-model GDP Forecasting (2015-2017)",
           "ARIMAX(4,0,2) Belgium train + XReg=Belgium test (2015-2017)",
           "ARIMAX(4,0,2) Belgium train + XReg=Bulgaria test (2015-2017)",
           "Offset ARIMAX(4,0,2) Belgium train + XReg=Bulgaria test (2015-2017)",
           "Belgium Official Reported GDP (2015-2017)"),
       col=c("black", "blue", "green", "purple", "orange", "red"),
       lty=c(3,1,2,1, 1, 1), lwd=c(4,4,4,4,4, 6), cex=1.2, x.intersp=1.5, y.intersp=0.7)
text(2012.5, 0, expression(atop(paste("Training Region (2000-2014)"),
                paste(Model(GDP) %->% "ARIMAX(p, q, r) ;  ",
                      XReg %==% as.matrix( X[i] ), " ", i %in% {1 : 131}))), cex=1.2)
text(2016.5, 0, expression(atop(paste("Validation Region (2015-2017)"),
        paste(hat(GDP) %<-% "ARIMAX(4, 0, 2); ",
              XReg %==% as.matrix(X[i]), " ", i %in% {1 : 131}))), cex=1.2)

Plot entire 15-year training time-span (2000-2014), \(300TimePoints=15Years\times 4Quarters\times 5SuperSample\) and the 3-year prospective forecasting \(60TimePoints=3Years\times 4Quarters\times 5SuperSample\).
Plot showing in BOOK VI-172-173 Figure 5.15:

ts_Y_Belgium_test <- ts(preprocess_Belgium$Y[301:360, ], 
                        start=c(2015,1), end=c(2017, 20), frequency = 20)
## [1] 60
#Output here

plot(forecast(BelgiumARIMA, xreg = X_Belgium_test),         # ARIMA forecast
     lwd=4, lty=3, xlab="Time", ylab="GPD Purchasing Power Standards (PPS)",
     ylim=c(0, 150),
     main = "ARIMAX Analytics (Train: 2000-2014; Test: 2015-2017) GDP (PPS) Forecasting\n
      based on fitting ARIMAX Models on raw (spline interpolated) Belgium data")
      col = "green", lwd = 4, lty=2)   # Belgium train+test
      col = "purple", lwd = 4, lty=1) # Belgium train+Bulgaria test
      col = "orange", lwd = 4, lty=1) 
# Belgium train+ Offset Bulgaria test: 188.3753 - 416.5375
lines(ts_Y_Belgium_test, col = "red", lwd = 6, lty=1) # Observed Y_Test timeseries
legend("topleft", bty = "n", 
       legend =
         c("Belgium Training Data (2000-2014)",  
           "ARIMAX(4,0,2)-model GDP Forecasting (2015-2017)",
           "ARIMAX(4,0,2) Belgium train + XReg=Belgium test (2015-2017)",
           "ARIMAX(4,0,2) Belgium train + XReg=Bulgaria test (2015-2017)",
           "Offset ARIMAX(4,0,2) Belgium train + XReg=Bulgaria test (2015-2017)",
           "Belgium Official Reported GDP (2015-2017)"),
       col=c("black", "blue", "green", "purple", "orange", "red"), 
       lty=c(3,1,2,1, 1, 1), lwd=c(4,4,4,4,4, 6), cex=1.2, 
       x.intersp=1.5, y.intersp=0.7)

text(2005, 0, 
     expression(atop(paste("Training Region (2000-2014)"), 
                paste(Model(GDP) %->% "ARIMAX(p, q, r) ;  ",
                      XReg %==% as.matrix( X[i] ), " ", i %in% {1 : 131}))), 

text(2015, 0, expression(atop(paste("Validation Region (2015-2017)"), 
        paste(hat(GDP) %<-% "ARIMAX(4, 0, 2); ", 
              XReg %==% X[i], " ", i %in% {1 : 131}))), cex=1.2)

3 Spacekime analytics

3.1 Generic K-Space transformations (FT/IFT)

Let’s start by defining the generic k-space transformation.

See the procedure code data for detailed information about transformation functions

3.2 Kime-Phase Distributions

Examine the Kime-direction Distributions of the Phases for all Belgium features (predictors + outcome). Define a generic function that plots the Phase distributions.
BOOK VI-174 Figure 5.16

# homoFeat <- homologousX_features(preprocess_Belgium$X, preprocess_Bulgaria$X)
X_Belgium <- homoFeat$X_Country1; dim(X_Belgium)
## [1] 360 131
Y_Belgium <- preprocess_Belgium$Y; dim(Y_Belgium)
## [1] 360   1
FT_Belgium <- kSpaceTransform(cbind(X_Belgium, Y_Belgium), FALSE, NULL)
dataColnames <- c(colnames(X_Belgium), "Y_GDP_Belgium")
dataColnames <- changetitle(dataColnames)
## png 
##   2
plotPhaseDistributions(FT_Belgium, dataColnames)

#Take the first 6 features as an example
plotPhaseDistributions(FT_Belgium, dataColnames,option = "Select",size = 10,select_feature = c(1,2,3,4,5,6))

IFT_FT_Belgium <- kSpaceTransform(FT_Belgium$magnitudes, TRUE, FT_Belgium$phases)
# Check IFT(FT) == I: 
# ifelse(abs(cbind(X_Belgium, Y_Belgium)[5,4] - Re(IFT_FT_Belgium[5,4])) < 0.001, "Perfect Syntesis", "Problems!!!")

3.3 Phase Synthesis and ARIMAX re-modeling

Three different Phase Synthesis methods are introduced here:
1.Nil-Phase Synthesis
2.Swapped-Phase Synthesis
Space-time reconstructions by inverting back the mag_FT for each feature signal after swapping the feature-phases. In other words, we randomly shuffle the columns of the Phases-matrix (Training & Testing XReg Data) and use these swapped phases to synthesize the design covariate matrix (\(Xreg\)).
3.Random-Phase Synthesis
Perform Random-Phase reconstruction - IFT_RandPhase_FT_Belgium - by randomly sampling from the phase distributions for each feature and then re-fitting the ARIMAX model.

3.3.1 Example based on Belgium

BOOK VI-175-176 Table 5.1 are based on the following result

#Nil-Phase Synthesis
Nil_reconstruct<-PS_ARIMAX_remodel(X_Belgium,Y_Belgium,ts_Y_Belgium_test,result = "reconstruct")
## [1] 360 132
## [1] 360 132
## [1] 360 132
#Feature names
datatable(data.frame(feature_name=Nil_reconstruct[[4]]),fillContainer = TRUE)
#Reconstruct result(part)
datatable(data.frame(Nil_reconstruct[[6]]),fillContainer = TRUE)
##ARIMAX re-modeling
Nil_ARIMAX<-PS_ARIMAX_remodel(X_Belgium,Y_Belgium,ts_Y_Belgium_test,result = "ARIMAX")
## [1] 300
## [1] 60
# Find ARIMAX model: 2  1  2  0 20  0  0
## [1]  2  0  0  0 20  0  0
  # Regression with ARIMA(2,0,1)(2,0,0)[20] errors 
  # Coefficients:
  #          ar1      ar2     ma1    sar1     sar2  Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
  #      -1.4232  -0.8592  -0.987  0.0941  -0.3451                                                            0.0123
  #s.e.   0.0341   0.0311     NaN  0.0688   0.0742                                                            0.0007
  # sigma^2 estimated as 0.8622:  log likelihood=-320.39 AIC=914.79   AICc=1148.19   BIC=1422.2
## Time Series:
## Start = c(2015, 1) 
## End = c(2017, 20) 
## Frequency = 20 
##       301       302       303       304       305       306       307 
## 100.23740 103.03985 103.93131  94.78863  97.89201  98.00352  99.62775 
##       308       309       310       311       312       313       314 
## 104.01148 102.28614 104.55994  98.54172  98.41790  96.14105 107.16384 
##       315       316       317       318       319       320       321 
##  99.45335  96.44437 102.55336  96.88055  97.04026 101.91233  98.96258 
##       322       323       324       325       326       327       328 
##  89.24350  89.29086  94.41691 102.15558 101.44441 109.56905 108.06485 
##       329       330       331       332       333       334       335 
## 111.85496 114.01763 105.41725 111.13032 110.12992 103.82299 104.85538 
##       336       337       338       339       340       341       342 
## 105.07924 115.53392 120.60091 109.96504 110.97310 104.22759 105.82676 
##       343       344       345       346       347       348       349 
## 105.42527 112.88059 108.56014 112.43295 115.59193 110.84576 121.79527 
##       350       351       352       353       354       355       356 
## 123.17139 120.00412 115.81981 119.78872 109.28916 108.79465 118.52640 
##       357       358       359       360 
## 107.65560 117.75657 118.52997 121.46124
  # alternatively:
  # pred_arimax_1_0_1_2015_2017 <- predict(modArima_IFT_NilPhase_FT_Belgium_Y_train, 
  #                                              n.ahead = 3*20, newxreg = IFT_NilPhase_FT_Belgium_X_test)$pred
##                                                       Labour cost for LCI 
##                                                                -2.3144505 
##            Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 18 to 23 months 
##                                                                -1.1741540 
##                                                                       ar2 
##                                                                -0.8530808 
##                 Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, Less than 1 month 
##                                                                -0.7046778 
##                 Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, 48 months or over 
##                                                                -0.5118510 
##              Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 1 to 2 months 
##                                                                -0.3724768 
##              Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 3 to 5 months 
##                                                                -0.3524810 
## Labor cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies) 
##                                                                -0.3235822 
##             Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 6 to 11 months 
##                                                                -0.2232634 
##                Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 1 to 2 months 
##                                                                -0.2020433
  # Labor cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies), effect=-1.5972295 
  #                                                                      ar1, effect=-1.4231617 
  #                                 Labor cost other than wages and salaries, effect=-1.2213214 
  #                                                                      ma1, effect=-0.9869571 
  #                                                                      ar2, effect=-0.8591937 
  #           Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 12 to 17 months, effect=-0.7075454 
  #             Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 18 to 23 months, effect=-0.5797656 
  #               Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 3 to 5 months, effect=-0.5026139 
  #                                                                     sar2, effect=-0.3450866 
  #             Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 24 to 47 months, effect=-0.2965540 
Nil_ARIMAX$Correlation# 0.14
## [1] 0.1300407
Nil_ARIMAX$Mean# [1] 105
## [1] 106.6307
#Swapped-Phase Synthesis
Swapped_reconstruct<-PS_ARIMAX_remodel(X_Belgium,Y_Belgium,ts_Y_Belgium_test,option = "Swapped-Phase",result = "reconstruct")
## [1] 360 132
## [1] 360 132
## [1] 360 132
## [1] 360 132
## [1] 360 132
#Feature names
datatable(data.frame(Swapped_reconstruct[[6]]),fillContainer = TRUE)
#Reconstruct result(part)
datatable(data.frame(Swapped_reconstruct[[7]]),fillContainer = TRUE)
##ARIMAX re-modeling
Swapped_ARIMAX<-PS_ARIMAX_remodel(X_Belgium,Y_Belgium,ts_Y_Belgium_test,option = "Swapped-Phase",result = "ARIMAX")

## [1] 300
## [1] 60
# Find ARIMAX model: 1  0  2  0 20  0  0
## [1]  0  0  2  0 20  0  0
  # Regression with ARIMA(1,0,0)(2,0,0)[20] errors 
  # Coefficients:
  #          ar1     sar1    sar2  intercept  Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
  #      -0.3837  -0.2196  0.2827    46.1704                                                            0.0063
  #s.e.   0.1113   0.0903  0.0779    36.8492                                                            0.0080
  # sigma^2 estimated as 70:  log likelihood=-976.01 AIC=2224.02   AICc=2452.63   BIC=2727.73
## Time Series:
## Start = c(2015, 1) 
## End = c(2017, 20) 
## Frequency = 20 
##       301       302       303       304       305       306       307 
## 128.73276 119.68651  92.70275  91.27189 110.67953 106.75674 108.81414 
##       308       309       310       311       312       313       314 
## 104.60039 100.04283 112.43549  90.00036 102.19302  96.85436 105.43883 
##       315       316       317       318       319       320       321 
## 106.21309  94.74615 112.35201 101.69583  95.49132  99.50060  95.25607 
##       322       323       324       325       326       327       328 
## 119.42242 106.98760 108.82758  82.02274 101.96243  89.32122  95.64222 
##       329       330       331       332       333       334       335 
## 119.25223 103.29745 102.74379 109.71061  94.96187 109.35137 117.33802 
##       336       337       338       339       340       341       342 
## 117.44036 115.15772  98.39985 116.70175 104.96118 104.69955 112.54130 
##       343       344       345       346       347       348       349 
##  94.52727  95.46678 119.55027 101.55243 110.89774 123.99589 102.00219 
##       350       351       352       353       354       355       356 
## 100.91378 111.80278 105.35938 108.49608 107.30856 115.87760 121.83518 
##       357       358       359       360 
## 110.72181  92.68570 111.81961  99.47224
  # alternatively:
  # pred_arimax_1_0_0_Swapped_2015_2017 <- predict(modArima_IFT_SwappedPhase_FT_Belgium_Y_train, 
  #                                              n.ahead = 3*20, newxreg = IFT_SwappedPhase_FT_Belgium_X_test)$pred
##                                                                                      sar2 
##                                                                               -0.45539809 
##                                                                                      sar1 
##                                                                               -0.38177236 
##                              Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 18 to 23 months 
##                                                                               -0.25821721 
##                               Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 6 to 11 months 
##                                                                               -0.24583149 
##                                 Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, 48 months or over 
##                                                                               -0.19147436 
##                               Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 6 to 11 months 
##                                                                               -0.12705360 
##                              Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 24 to 47 months 
##                                                                               -0.08080671 
##                             Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 6 to 11 months 
##                                                                               -0.04450060 
##                              Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 24 to 47 months 
##                                                                               -0.01975551 
## ISCED11 Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4), Males 
##                                                                               -0.01686624
  #                                                                     ar1, effect=-0.38372043 
  #           Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 18 to 23 months, effect=-0.31137514 
  #                                 Labor cost other than wages and salaries, effect=-0.31094561 
  #                                                                     sar1, effect=-0.21964957 
  #            Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 6 to 11 months, effect=-0.20878853 
  #Labor cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies), effect=-0.12497311 
  #                Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, Less than 1 month, effect=-0.10849013 
  #                Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, 48 months or over, effect=-0.09066684 
  #               Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 1 to 2 months, effect=-0.05852382 
  #              Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, 48 months or over, effect=-0.05695172 
Swapped_ARIMAX$Correlation # 0.0
## [1] 0.1859233
Swapped_ARIMAX$Mean# [1] 105
## [1] 105.6749
#Random-Phase Synthesis
Random_reconstruct<-PS_ARIMAX_remodel(X_Belgium,Y_Belgium,ts_Y_Belgium_test,option = "Random-Phase",result = "reconstruct")
## [1] 360 132
## [1] 360 132
## [1] 360 132
## [1] 360 132
#Feature names
datatable(data.frame(Random_reconstruct[[4]]),fillContainer = TRUE)
#Reconstruct result(part)
datatable(data.frame(Random_reconstruct[[7]]),fillContainer = TRUE)
##ARIMAX re-modeling
Random_ARIMAX<-PS_ARIMAX_remodel(X_Belgium,Y_Belgium,ts_Y_Belgium_test,option = "Random-Phase",result = "ARIMAX")
## [1] 300
## [1] 60
# Find ARIMAX model: 0  0  2  0 20  0  0
## [1]  0  0  2  0 20  0  0
  # Regression with ARIMA(0,0,0)(2,0,0)[20] errors 
  # Coefficients:
  #         sar1    sar2  Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
  #      -0.0743  0.5766                                                            0.0162
  #s.e.   0.0625  0.0752                                                            0.0100 
  #sigma^2 estimated as 72.17:  log likelihood=-988.06 AIC=2244.12   AICc=2463.4   BIC=2740.43
## Time Series:
## Start = c(2015, 1) 
## End = c(2017, 20) 
## Frequency = 20 
##       301       302       303       304       305       306       307 
## 109.21384  97.90635 115.30991  87.18544 111.61506 108.93967 105.63176 
##       308       309       310       311       312       313       314 
##  99.81729  98.93481 108.10909  92.43841  88.10366 102.05895  98.15395 
##       315       316       317       318       319       320       321 
##  95.73793 107.01333  95.30001  97.26324  99.68047  97.51727  92.67848 
##       322       323       324       325       326       327       328 
##  96.11143  88.49441  94.17550  88.71985  89.40652  94.39787  84.99996 
##       329       330       331       332       333       334       335 
##  96.48612  99.88463  97.48044  92.94693  98.11024  90.76454  89.06357 
##       336       337       338       339       340       341       342 
## 103.49729 100.12285  99.48860  90.90774  94.74558  85.95599  82.79387 
##       343       344       345       346       347       348       349 
##  96.00114  86.73778  94.34068  90.33366  88.95980  92.55541  96.28621 
##       350       351       352       353       354       355       356 
##  80.73906  87.10278  97.93606  82.48071  85.83396  92.57338  88.57348 
##       357       358       359       360 
##  74.11565  90.74335  77.76062  92.29155
  # alternatively:
  # pred_arimax_1_0_1_Rand_2015_2017 <- predict(modArima_IFT_RandPhase_FT_Belgium_Y_train, 
  #                                              n.ahead = 3*20, newxreg = IFT_RandPhase_FT_Belgium_X_test)$pred
## Labor cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies) 
##                                                               -0.29663870 
##                 Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, Less than 1 month 
##                                                               -0.27771467 
##              Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 12 to 17 months 
##                                                               -0.18093817 
##              Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 12 to 17 months 
##                                                               -0.17239828 
##               Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 6 to 11 months 
##                                                               -0.14251591 
##              Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 3 to 5 months 
##                                                               -0.13925477 
##       Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Employers' social contributions 
##                                                               -0.13588769 
##            Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 24 to 47 months 
##                                                               -0.11176784 
##              Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 18 to 23 months 
##                                                               -0.09993668 
##              Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 24 to 47 months 
##                                                               -0.07412022
  # Labor cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies), effect=-0.71989958 
  #           Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 18 to 23 months, effect=-0.54541627 
  #              Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, 48 months or over, effect=-0.44230677 
  #                                 Labor cost other than wages and salaries, effect=-0.32854422 
  #              Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 6 to 11 months, effect=-0.24511374 
  #             Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 24 to 47 months, effect=-0.19283037 
  #      Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Employers' social contributions, effect=-0.11994897 
  #           Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 24 to 47 months, effect=-0.10835175 
  #             Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 1 to 2 months, effect=-0.09093252 
  #             Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 18 to 23 months, effect=-0.07427297 
Random_ARIMAX$Correlation # -0.15
## [1] -0.3181751
Random_ARIMAX$Mean # [1] 87.74201
## [1] 94.37547

3.4 Result Visualization

BOOK VI-175 Figure 5.17

## Plot the results of the model ARIMAX fitting
ts_Y_Belgium_test <- ts(preprocess_Belgium$Y[301:360, ], 
                        start=c(2015,1), end=c(2017, 20), frequency = 20)
## [1] 60
## png 
##   2
plot(forecast(BelgiumARIMA, xreg = X_Belgium_test),         # ARIMA forecast
     include=60, lwd=4, lty=3, xlab="Time", ylab="GPD Purchasing Power Standards (PPS)",
     ylim=c(60, 160),
     main = "Spacekime ARIMAX Analytics (Train: 2000-2014; Test: 2015-2017) GDP (PPS) Forecasting\n
      based on fitting ARIMAX Models on spline interpolated & kime-transformed Belgium data")
lines(pred_arimax_2_0_1_Nil_2015_2017, col = "green", lwd = 4, lty=2)   # Belgium Xreg Nil-Phase Reconstructions
lines(pred_arimax_1_0_0_Swapped_2015_2017, col = "purple", lwd = 4, lty=1) # Belgium Xreg Swapped-Phase Reconstructions
lines(pred_arimax_0_0_0_Rand_2015_2017, col = "orange", lwd = 4, lty=1) # Belgium Xreg Random-Phase Reconstructions
lines(ts_Y_Belgium_test, col = "red", lwd = 6, lty=1)       # Observed Y_Test timeseries
legend("topleft", bty="n", legend=c("Belgium Training Data (2000-2014)", 
                        "ARIMAX(4,0,2)-model GDP Forecasting (2015-2017)",
                        "ARIMAX(2,0,1) Belgium Xreg Nil-Phase Reconstruction (2015-2017)",
                        "ARIMAX(1,0,0) Belgium Xreg Swapped-Phase Reconstructions (2015-2017)",
                        "ARIMAX(0,0,0)(2,0,0)[20]  Belgium Xreg Random-Phase Reconstructions (2015-2017)",
                        "Belgium Official Reported GDP (2015-2017)"),
       col=c("black", "blue", "green", "purple", "orange", "red"), 
       lty=c(3,1,2,1, 1, 1), lwd=c(4,4,4,4,4, 6), cex=1.2, x.intersp=1.5, y.intersp=0.7)
text(2013.5, 65, expression(atop(paste("Training Region (2000-2014)"), 
                paste(Model(GDP) %->% "ARIMAX(p, q, r) ;  ", 
                      XReg %==% X[i], " ", i %in% {1 : 131}))), cex=1.2)
text(2016.5, 65, expression(atop(paste("Validation Region (2015-2017)"), 
        paste(hat(GDP) %<-% "ARIMAX(., ., .); ", 
              XReg %==% X[i], " ", i %in% {1 : 131}))), cex=1.2)

4 Appendix

All functions used in this part

4.1 cleardata()

#' Impute missing values inside a dataset
#' This function is a preliminary way of dealing with NA inside the dataset. This function fills the NA's with column mean and sd
#'@param mat matrix with missing value(NA) inside
cleardata <- function(mat){
  mat = 
    apply(mat, 2, function(column) 
      sapply(column, function(x) 
               mean(column,na.rm = T) + 
                 rnorm( sum( ), sd = sd(column, na.rm = T) ),
               x) ) )

4.2 splinecreate()

#'use spline regression model to expand the dataset
#'This function is mainly focused on time series dataset. Especially in this case, we apply spline regression model to expand the time series data from seasonal period to monthly, even weekly period. Notice that the length.out parameter in this function is fixed to 360, which will expand the time series to a weekly period. But we can change this parameter to get the time period that we desire.
#'@param mat matrix which contains a time series data. In this function we desire a time series data which has a seasonal period time data.
splinecreate <- function(mat){
  for (i in 1:ncol(mat)) {
    spresult<-predict(sp,seq(from=0,by=1/5,length.out = 360))

4.3 rmv_miss_ftr()

#'Remove features with all missing values
#' This function deletes features that are missing for all time points 
#' associated with a certain country
#'@param countryName give a country name that is shown on the original dataset
rmv_miss_ftr = function(countryName = "Bulgaria"){
  DataSuperSample = 
    time_series %>% 
    filter(country == countryName) %>%
    select_if( function(col) sum( != length(col) ) %>%
    select(-time, -country) %>%
    as.matrix() %>%
    cleardata() %>%>%
    # remove feature that only has one value
    select_if(function(col) sum( == 0 ) %>%
    # remove feature that all the values are 0
    select_if(function(col) sum(col) != 0 ) %>%
    splinecreate() %>%

##Concern: The name of country "German" has changed inside the dataset once.

4.4 Fit_ARIMA()

#'Clean and fit ARIMA model
#' This function cleans the data and fits the ARIMA model
#'@param country Give a country name that is shown on the original dataset
#'@param start Select the start year to create the ARIMA model
#'@param end Select the end year to create the ARIMA model
#'@param frequency The number of observations per unit of time. The same in function "ts"
#'@param feature Choose one feature to create the ARIMA model on
Fit_ARIMA <- function(country = 'Belgium', 
                      start = 2000, end = 2017, frequency = 20,
                      feature="Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, Total")
  # delete features that are missing for all time points
  DataSuperSample = rmv_miss_ftr(countryName = country)
  if (feature=="Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, Total") {
      Y = select(DataSuperSample, "Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, Total")
      X = select(DataSuperSample, -starts_with("Unemployment"))
  } else if (feature=="Gross domestic product at market prices") {
    Y = select(DataSuperSample, "Gross domestic product at market prices"); dim(Y)
    X = select(DataSuperSample, -matches("debt|Debt")); dim(X)  # 360 167
    print(paste0("dim(X)=(", dim(X)[1], ",", dim(X)[2], ");  ",
                 " dim(Y)=(", dim(Y)[1], ",", dim(Y)[2], ") ..."))
    # ensure full-rank design matrix, X
    X <- X[, qr(X)$pivot[seq_len(qr(X)$rank)]]; dim(X)  
  else {
    print(paste0("This feature ", feature, " is not imlemented yet! Exiting Fit_ARIMA() method ...")) 
  ts_Y <- ts(Y, start=c(start, 1), end=c(end, frequency), 
             frequency = frequency); length(ts_Y)
  fitArimaX = auto.arima(ts_Y, xreg=as.matrix(X) )

4.5 preprocess_ARIMA()

#'Preprocess dataset of given countries to ensure full rank
#'Extend the Fit-ARIMA method to ensure testing-training 
#'modeling/assessment for 2 countries works
#'@param country Give a country name that is shown on the original dataset
#'@param start Select the start year to create the ARIMA model
#'@param end Select the end year to create the ARIMA model
#'@param frequency The number of observations per unit of time. The same in function "ts"
#'@param feature Choose one feature to create the ARIMA model on
preprocess_ARIMA <- 
  function(country='Belgium',start=2000, end=2017, frequency=20,
           feature="Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, Total")
  # delete features that are missing for all time points
  DataSuperSample = rmv_miss_ftr(countryName = country)

  print(paste0("Processing feature: ...", feature, "... "))
  if (feature == "Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, Total") {
      Y = select(DataSuperSample, 
                 "Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, Total")
      X = select(DataSuperSample, 
  } else if (feature == "Gross domestic product at market prices") {
      Y = select(DataSuperSample, 
                 "Gross domestic product at market prices"); dim(Y)
      X = select(DataSuperSample, 
                 -matches("debt|Debt") )
      X <- X [, -c(50:80)]; dim(X)  # 360 167
  } else {
    print(paste0("This feature: ...", 
                 "... is not imlemented yet! Exiting preprocess_ARIMA() method ...")) 
  # reduce the number of observations (matrix rows) to specified timerange
  len_1 <- (end + 1 - start) * frequency; print(paste0("dim(X)[1]=", len_1))
  X <- X[1:len_1 , qr(X[1:len_1 , ])$pivot[seq_len(qr(X[1:len_1 , ])$rank)]]; dim(X)  
  # ensure full-rank design matrix, X
  Y <-[1:len_1 , ])
  print(paste0("dim(X)=(", dim(X)[1], ",", dim(X)[2], ");  ",         # 300 136
                 " dim(Y)=(", dim(Y)[1], ",", dim(Y)[2], ") ..."))    # 300 1
  return( list("X"=X, "Y"=Y) )

4.6 homologousX_features()

#' General function that ensures the XReg predictors for 2 countries are homologous
#'@param X_Country1 value inhereted from previous function "preprocess_ARIMA"
#'@param X_Country2 value inhereted from previous function "preprocess_ARIMA"
homologousX_features <- function (X_Country1, X_Country2){
  # Check if Xreg for Belgium and Bulgaria are homologous (same feature columns)
  common_cols <- intersect(colnames(X_Country1), colnames(X_Country2))
  X_Country1 <- subset(X_Country1, select = common_cols)
  X_Country2 <- subset(X_Country2, select = common_cols)
  print(paste0("dim(X1)=(", dim(X_Country1)[1], ",", dim(X_Country1)[2], ");  ", # 300 131
              " dim(X2)=(", dim(X_Country2)[1], ",", dim(X_Country2)[2], ")!"))  # 300 131
  return(list("X_Country1"=X_Country1, "X_Country2"=X_Country2))

4.7 fit_ARIMA()

#'Set up ARIMAX model with homologous features
#'This function is based on two previous functions "preprocess_ARIMA" and "homologousX_features". It gets the homologous features between two countries and create ARIMAX model on them.
#'@param country1 Give a country name that is shown on the original dataset, ARIMAX model will be created based on the data of this country
#'@param country2 Give a country name that is shown on the original dataset, this country data will only be used to get the homologous features with country 1
#'@param start Select the start year to create the ARIMA model
#'@param end Select the end year to create the ARIMA model
#'@param frequency The number of observations per unit of time. The same in function "ts"
#'@param feature Choose one feature to create the ARIMA model on
fit_ARIMA <- 
  function(country1='Belgium', country2= 'Bulgaria', 
           start=2000, end=2014, frequency=20,
           feature="Gross domestic product at market prices"){
  # This function 
  preprocess_Country1 <- preprocess_ARIMA(country = country1, 
                    start=start, end=end, frequency=frequency, feature=feature)
  preprocess_Country2 <- preprocess_ARIMA(country = country2, 
                    start=start, end=end, frequency=frequency, feature=feature)
  ts_Y_Country1 <- ts(preprocess_Country1$Y, start=c(start, 1), 
            end=c(end, frequency), frequency = frequency); length(ts_Y_Country1)
  homoFeat <- homologousX_features(preprocess_Country1$X, preprocess_Country2$X)
  X_Country1  <- homoFeat$X_Country1
  X_Country2 <- homoFeat$X_Country2
  fitArimaX_Country1 = auto.arima(ts_Y_Country1, xreg=as.matrix(X_Country1))

4.8 fftshift1D()

#'1D timeseries FFT SHIFT
fftshift1D <- function(img_ff) {
  rows <- length(img_ff)   
  rows_half <- ceiling(rows/2)
  return(append(img_ff[(rows_half+1):rows], img_ff[1:rows_half]))
##This function isn't really being used in our report

4.9 KSpaceTransform()

#'K-space transformation
#' Generic function to Transform Data ={all predictors (X) and outcome (Y)} to k-space (Fourier domain)
#' For ForwardFT, set parameters as (rawData, FALSE, NULL)
#' For InverseFT, there are two parameters setting: (magnitudes, TRUE, reconPhasesToUse) or (FT_data, TRUE, NULL)
#' @param data dataset that needs K-space transformation
kSpaceTransform <- function(data, inverse = FALSE, reconPhases = NULL) {
  # ForwardFT (rawData, FALSE, NULL)
  # InverseFT(magnitudes, TRUE, reconPhasesToUse) or InverseFT(FT_data, TRUE, NULL)
  FT_data <- array(complex(), c(dim(data)[1], dim(data)[2]))
  mag_FT_data <- array(complex(), c(dim(data)[1], dim(data)[2]))
  phase_FT_data <- array(complex(), c(dim(data)[1], dim(data)[2]))
  IFT_reconPhases_data <- array(complex(), c(dim(data)[1], dim(data)[2]))

  for (i in 1:dim(data)[2]) {
    if (inverse == FALSE | is.null(reconPhases)) {
      FT_data[ , i] <- fft(data[ , i], inverse)
      X2 <- FT_data[ , i]
      # plot(fftshift1D(log(Re(X2)+2)), main = "log(fftshift1D(Re(FFT(timeseries))))") 
      mag_FT_data[ , i] <- sqrt(Re(X2)^2+Im(X2)^2); 
      # plot(log(fftshift1D(Re(mag_FT_MCSI_data))), main = "log(Magnitude(FFT(timeseries)))") 
      phase_FT_data[ , i] <- atan2(Im(X2), Re(X2)); 
      # plot(Re(fftshift1D(phase_FT_MCSI_data[ , 1])), main = "Shift(Phase(FFT(timeseries)))")
    else {  # for IFT synthesis using user-provided Phases, typically from kime-phase aggregators
      Real <- data[ , i] * cos(reconPhases[ , i])  
      Imaginary <- data[ , i] * sin(reconPhases[ , i]) 
      IFT_reconPhases_data[ ,i] <- 
          Re(fft(Real+1i*Imaginary, inverse = TRUE)/length(data[ , i]))
    ######### Test the FT-IFT analysis-synthesis back-and-forth transform process 
    #         to confirm calculations
    # X2 <- FT_data[ , 1]; mag_FT_data[ , 1] <- sqrt(Re(X2)^2+Im(X2)^2); 
    # phase_FT_data[ , 1] <- atan2(Im(X2), Re(X2)); 
    # Real2 = mag_FT_data[ , 1] * cos(phase_FT_data[ , 1])
    # Imaginary2 = mag_FT_data[ , 1] * sin(phase_FT_data[ , 1])
    # man_hat_X2 = Re(fft(Real2 + 1i*Imaginary2, inverse = T)/length(X2))
    # ifelse(abs(man_hat_X2[5] - data[5, 1]) < 0.001, "Perfect Syntesis", "Problems!!!")
    if (inverse == FALSE | is.null(reconPhases)) {
      return(list("magnitudes"=mag_FT_data, "phases"=phase_FT_data))
      # Use kSpaceTransform$magnitudes & kSpaceTransform$phases to retrieve teh Mags and Phases
    else {
      # Use Re(kSpaceTransform) to extract spacetime Real-valued reconstructed data

4.10 changetitle()

#' Reshape the title
#' @param titl vector contains titles that need to be reshaped
changetitle <- function(titl) {
  for (i in 1:length(titl)) {
    for (j in 1:8) {
      tempchar[which(tempchar==" ")[which(tempchar==" ")>k][1]]<-"\n"
    tempchar<-paste(tempchar,collapse = "")

4.11 plotPhaseDistributions()

#' Creating plot result for K-space transformation
#' This function can choose to generate all plots related to the K-space transformation. Or we could choose features code to select features we like to see to generate K-space transformation result.
#'@param dataFT data inherited from function "kSpaceTransform", K-space transformed dataset.
#'@param dataColnames feature names for the transformed dataset
#'@param size size of the text inside the plot
#'@param option two options avaliable: "All": to plot for all features, "Select": to select several features you wish to show 
#'@param select_feature if "option" is setted as "Select", then put inside a sequence to indicate the features you wish to show with this function.
plotPhaseDistributions <- function (dataFT, dataColnames, size=10, option="ALL",select_feature=NULL,...) {
  df.phase <-$phases))
  df.phase %>% gather() %>% head()
  colnames(df.phase) <- dataColnames
  phaseDistributions <- gather(df.phase)
  colnames(phaseDistributions) <- c("Feature", "Phase")
  if (is.null(size)) size=10
  # map the value as our x variable, and use facet_wrap to separate by the key column:
  ggplot(phaseDistributions, aes(Phase)) + 
    # geom_histogram(bins = 10) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), bins = 10) + 
    facet_wrap( ~Feature, scales = 'free_x') +
    xlim(-pi, pi) + 
    theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = size, colour = "black", angle = 0))}
  else if(option=="Select"){
    NphaseDistributions<-phaseDistributions[which(phaseDistributions$Feature %in% choosefeat),]
  ggplot(NphaseDistributions, aes(Phase)) + 
    # geom_histogram(bins = 10) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), bins = 10) + 
    facet_wrap( ~Feature, scales = 'free_x') +
    xlim(-pi, pi) + 
    theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = size, colour = "black", angle = 0))}
    return("Wrong input on option, Please try again")

4.12 PS_ARIMAX_remodel()

#'Conduct three different phase synthesis methods and create ARIMAX model based on different method.
#'This function can reconstruct the dataset based on three phase synthesis methods: Nil-Phase Synthesis, Swapped-Phase Synthesis and Random-Phase Synthesis. Also it can construct different ARIMAX model based on the phase synthesis method chosen. 
#'@param X inherited from function "homologousX_features", we can get parameter X by "homologousX_features(country1,country2)$$X_Country1"
#'@param Y inherited from function "preprocess_ARIMA", we can get parameter Y by "preprocess_ARIMA$Y"
#'@param ts_Y_test time series vector, must be set from function "ts" and must be created based on testing set
#'@param option choose the phase synthesis method used in the reconstruction or ARIMAX model. Three options are valid: "Nil-Phase", "Swapped-Phase", "Random-Phase"
#'@param result choose the result shown by this function. Two options are valid: "ARIMAX": this will show the ARIMAX model created by the chosen phase synthesis method. "reconstruct": this will show the reconstruction procedure based on the chosen phase synthesis method, but the ARIMAX model won't be built.
#'@param rename_Y rename the return result of Y
#'@return if the "result" parameter is setted as "reconstruct", then the reconstruction result will be shown. if setted as "ARIMAX", then the detailed ARIMAX model will be built.

PS_ARIMAX_remodel <- function(X,Y,ts_Y_test,option="Nil-Phase",result="ARIMAX",rename_Y="Y_GDP_Belgium") {
  FT<-kSpaceTransform(temp_data, FALSE, NULL)
    nilPhase_FT_data <- array(complex(real=0, imaginary=0), c(dim(temp_data)[1], dim(temp_data)[2]))
    ##IFT_NilPhase_FT <- array(complex(), c(dim(temp_data)[1], dim(temp_data)[2]))
    #       Invert back to spacetime the FT_Belgium$magnitudes[ , i] signal with nil-phase
    IFT_NilPhase_FT<- Re(kSpaceTransform(FT$magnitudes, TRUE, nilPhase_FT_data))
    colnames(IFT_NilPhase_FT) <- c(colnames(X), rename_Y)

    dim(nilPhase_FT_data),dim(IFT_NilPhase_FT), dim(FT$magnitudes),
    colnames(IFT_NilPhase_FT), head(IFT_NilPhase_FT),IFT_NilPhase_FT)) # head(temp_Data)
  else if(option=="Swapped-Phase"){
    swapped_phase_FT_data <- FT$phases
    colnames(swapped_phase_FT_data) <- c(colnames(X), rename_Y)
    swapped_phase_FT_data1 <- swapped_phase_FT_data
    IFT_SwappedPhase_FT <- array(complex(), c(dim(temp_data)[1], dim(temp_data)[2]))
    set.seed(12345)   # sample randomly Phase-columns for each of the 131 covariates (X)
    #swap_phase_FT_Belgium_indices <- sample(ncol(swapped_phase_FT_Belgium_data)-1)
    # for (j in 1:131) {  # for all coluns of the design Xreg matrix, excluding Y, randomly swap columns phases
    #  swapped_phase_FT_Belgium_data1[ , j] <- swapped_phase_FT_Belgium_data[, swap_phase_FT_Belgium_indices[j]]
    swapped_phase_FT_data1 <-
      swapped_phase_FT_data[ , sample(ncol(swapped_phase_FT_data[ , 1:(ncol(swapped_phase_FT_data)-1)]))], 
      swapped_phase_FT_data[ , ncol(swapped_phase_FT_data)]))
    swapped_phase_FT_data <- swapped_phase_FT_data1
    colnames(swapped_phase_FT_data)[ncol(swapped_phase_FT_data)] <- rename_Y
    # Invert back to spacetime the FT_Belgium$magnitudes[ , i] signal using the feature swapped phases
    IFT_SwappedPhase_FT <- Re(kSpaceTransform(FT$magnitudes, TRUE, swapped_phase_FT_data))
    colnames(IFT_SwappedPhase_FT) <- c(colnames(X), rename_Y)

    dim(swapped_phase_FT_data) ,
    # [1] 360 132
    dim(swapped_phase_FT_data), dim(FT$phases),
    dim(IFT_SwappedPhase_FT), dim(FT$magnitudes),
    colnames(IFT_SwappedPhase_FT), tail(IFT_SwappedPhase_FT),IFT_SwappedPhase_FT)) # tail(temp_Data)
  else if(option=="Random-Phase"){
    #randPhase_FT_data <- array(complex(), c(dim(temp_data)[1], dim(temp_data)[2]))
    IFT_RandPhase_FT <- array(complex(), c(dim(temp_data)[1], dim(temp_data)[2]))
    randPhase_FT_data <- FT$phases
    for (i in 1:(dim(randPhase_FT_data)[2] -1)) {
      if (i < dim(randPhase_FT_data)[2]) {
        set.seed(12345)   # sample randomly Phases for each of the 131 predictors covariates (X)
        randPhase_FT_data[ , i] <- FT$phases[sample(nrow(FT$phases)), i]
      } else {   } # for the Y outcome (Last Column) - do not change the phases of the Y
    #       Invert back to spacetime the FT_Belgium$magnitudes[ , i] signal with avg-phase
    IFT_RandPhase_FT <- Re(kSpaceTransform(FT$magnitudes, TRUE, randPhase_FT_data))
    colnames(IFT_RandPhase_FT) <- c(colnames(X), rename_Y)
    return(  list(
    dim(randPhase_FT_data),    # ;  head(randPhase_FT_data)
    # [1] 360 132
    dim(IFT_RandPhase_FT), dim(FT$magnitudes) ,
    colnames(IFT_RandPhase_FT), tail(IFT_RandPhase_FT), # tail(temp_Data)
    dim(IFT_RandPhase_FT), head(Re(IFT_RandPhase_FT)), tail(Re(IFT_RandPhase_FT))))
  #construction of time-series analysis
  # Perform ARIMAX modeling on IFT_NilPhase_FT_Belgium; report (p,d,q) params and quality metrics AIC/BIC
  # library(forecast)
  IFT_FT_Y_train <- IFT_FT[1:300, ncol(IFT_FT)]
  IFT_FT_Y_test <- IFT_FT[301:360]
  # Training and Testing Data Covariates explaining the longitudinal outcome (Y)
  IFT_FT_X_train <-[1:300, 1:(ncol(IFT_FT)-1)]; dim(IFT_FT_X_train)
  IFT_FT_X_test <-[301:360, 1:(ncol(IFT_FT)-1)]; dim(IFT_FT_X_test)
  # Outcome Variable to be ARIMAX-modelled, as a timeseries
  ts_IFT_FT_Y_train <- 
    ts(IFT_FT_Y_train, start=c(2000,1), end=c(2014, 20), frequency = 20)
  modArima_IFT_FT_Y_train <- 
    auto.arima(ts_IFT_FT_Y_train, xreg=as.matrix(IFT_FT_X_train))

  pred_arimax <- forecast(modArima_IFT_FT_Y_train, xreg = as.matrix(IFT_FT_X_test))
  pred_arimax_2015_2017 <- 
    ts(pred_arimax$mean, frequency=20, start=c(2015,1), end=c(2017,20))
  # alternatively:
  # pred_arimax_1_0_1_2015_2017 <- predict(modArima_IFT_NilPhase_FT_Belgium_Y_train, 
  #                                              n.ahead = 3*20, newxreg = IFT_NilPhase_FT_Belgium_X_test)$pred
  # Labor cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies), effect=-1.5972295 
  #                                                                      ar1, effect=-1.4231617 
  #                                 Labor cost other than wages and salaries, effect=-1.2213214 
  #                                                                      ma1, effect=-0.9869571 
  #                                                                      ar2, effect=-0.8591937 
  #           Unemployment , Females, From 15-64 years, From 12 to 17 months, effect=-0.7075454 
  #             Unemployment , Total, From 15-64 years, From 18 to 23 months, effect=-0.5797656 
  #               Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 3 to 5 months, effect=-0.5026139 
  #                                                                     sar2, effect=-0.3450866 
  #             Unemployment , Males, From 15-64 years, from 24 to 47 months, effect=-0.2965540 
  Correlation=cor(pred_arimax$mean, ts_Y_test), 
    print(paste0("Wrong input for option or result, please try again.") )
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