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1 Kime 5D circles

# parameter space sweep for the spherical cordinates
phi <- seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi, by = ((2*pi - 0)/(200 - 1)))
psi <- seq(from = 0, to = pi, by = ((pi - 0)/(200 - 1)))

# shape=="cone1")
    # rendering (u,v) parametric surfaces requires x,y,z arguments to be 2D arrays
    # In out case, the three coordinates have to be 200*200 parameterized tensors/arrays
    h1= 10   # cone height
    r1 = seq(from = 0, to = h1, by = ((h1 - 0)/(200 - 1)))  # r = radius
    x1 = 20* ((h1 - r1)/h1 ) %o% rep(1, 200)             # x = 3*r
    y1 = 3* ((h1 - r1)/h1 ) %o% sin(phi)   # y = r*sin(phi)
    z1 = 3* ((h1 - r1)/h1 ) %o% cos(phi)   # z = r*cos(phi)

    # circle1 bundary
    x11 = rep(20, 200) %o% rep(1, 200)             # x = 20
    y11 = 3* ((h1 - r1)/h1 ) %o% sin(phi)   # y = r*sin(phi)
    z11 = 3* ((h1 - r1)/h1 ) %o% cos(phi)   # z = r*cos(phi)

# shape=="cone2")
    h2= 10   # cone height
    r2 = seq(from = 0, to = h2, by = ((h2 - 0)/(200 - 1)))  # r = radius
    x2 = 20* ((h2 - r2)/h2 ) %o% rep(1, 200)             # x = 3*r
    y2 = 2* ((h2 - r2)/h2 ) %o% sin(phi)   # y = r*sin(phi)
    z2 = 2* ((h2 - r2)/h2 ) %o% cos(phi)   # z = r*cos(phi)

    # circle2 bundary
    x21 = rep(20, 200) %o% rep(1, 200)             # x = 20
    y21 = 2* ((h2 - r2)/h2 ) %o% sin(phi)   # y = r*sin(phi)
    z21 = 2* ((h2 - r2)/h2 ) %o% cos(phi)   # z = r*cos(phi)
# shape=="cone3")
    h3= 10   # cone height
    r3 = seq(from = 0, to = h3, by = ((h3 - 0)/(200 - 1)))  # r = radius
    x3 = 15* ((h3 - r3)/h3 ) %o% rep(1, 200)             # x = 3*r
    y3 = 3* ((h3 - r3)/h3 ) %o% sin(phi)   # y = r*sin(phi)
    z3 = 3* ((h3 - r3)/h3 ) %o% cos(phi)   # z = r*cos(phi)

    # circle2 bundary
    x31 = rep(15, 200) %o% rep(1, 200)             # x = 15
    y31 = 3* ((h3 - r3)/h3) %o% sin(phi)   # y = r*sin(phi)
    z31 = 3* ((h3 - r3)/h3) %o% cos(phi)   # z = r*cos(phi)

shape_names <- c("cone1", "cone2", "cone3")


# updatemenus component
updatemenus <- list(
    active = -1,
    type = 'buttons',
    buttons = list(
        label = shape_names[1],
        method = "update",
        args = list(list(visible = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)),
                    list(title = shape_names[1]))),
        label = shape_names[2],
        method = "update",
        args = list(list(visible = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)),
                    list(title = shape_names[2]))),
        label = shape_names[3],
        method = "update",
        args = list(list(visible = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)),
                    list(title = shape_names[3])))

p <- plot_ly(hoverinfo="none", legendshow=FALSE, showscale = FALSE) %>%
  # Add a Z-direction  scaling point
    add_trace(x=~x1[1,1], y= ~0, z= 5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the x-axis1
  add_trace(x=~1.1*x1[,1], y= ~0, z= ~-3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="gray"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the x-axis2
  add_trace(x=~1.1*x1[,1], y= ~1*10, z= ~-3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="gray"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the x-axis3
  add_trace(x=~1.1*x1[,1], y= ~2*10, z= ~-3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="gray"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the x-axis4
  add_trace(x=~1.1*x1[,1], y= ~3*10, z= ~-3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="gray"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
   # trace the y-axis1
  add_trace(x=5, y=y1[,1], z= ~-3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="gray"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the y-axis2
  add_trace(x=10, y=y1[,1], z= ~-3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="gray"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the y-axis3
  add_trace(x=15, y=y1[,1], z= ~-3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="gray"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the y-axis4
  add_trace(x=20, y=y1[,1], z= ~-3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="gray"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
# ROW 1
  # trace the boundary of circle1 surface
  add_trace(x=~x1[1,], y=~y11[1,], z=~z11[1,]/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the boundary of circle2 surface
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the boundary of circle3 surface
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the boundary of circle4 surface
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # add centers for kime circle 1...4 at location x1
  add_trace(x=~x1[1,1], y= ~0, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  add_trace(x=~x1[1,1], y= +1*10, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  add_trace(x=~x1[1,1], y= +2*10, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  add_trace(x=~x1[1,1], y= +3*10, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
# ROW 2
  # trace the boundary of circle1 surface
  add_trace(x=~x3[1,], y=~y31[1,], z=~z31[1,]/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the boundary of circle2 surface
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the boundary of circle3 surface
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the boundary of circle4 surface
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # add centers for kime circle 1...4 at location x1
  add_trace(x=~x3[1,1], y= ~0, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  add_trace(x=~x3[1,1], y= +1*10, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  add_trace(x=~x3[1,1], y= +2*10, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  add_trace(x=~x3[1,1], y= +3*10, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
# ROW 3
  # trace the boundary of circle1 surface
  add_trace(x=~2*x3[1,]-x1[1,], y=y31[1,], z=~z31[1,]/5, type="scatter3d", mode="lines", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the boundary of circle2 surface
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the boundary of circle3 surface
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # trace the boundary of circle4 surface
              line = list(width = 10, color="blue"), name="Surface Boundary",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  # add centers for kime circle 1...4 at location x1
  add_trace(x=~2*x3[1,1]-x1[1,1], y= ~0, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  add_trace(x=~2*x3[1,1]-x1[1,1], y= +1*10, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  add_trace(x=~2*x3[1,1]-x1[1,1], y= +2*10, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  add_trace(x=~2*x3[1,1]-x1[1,1], y= +3*10, z= -3/5, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", 
              line = list(width = 10, color="red"), name="Z",
              hoverinfo="none", legendshow=F) %>%
  layout(title = "Choose a kime Cone", showlegend = FALSE,
         updatemenus = updatemenus)
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