Center for Complexity and Self-Management of Chronic Disease (CSCD): Core 2: Methods and Analytics Progress (2019-2020)

In 2019-2020, CSCD students, trainees and investigators continued to make advances building protocols for data analytics. Several examples of resources are included below.

Longitudinal Data Analysis Protocol

This development includes implementing, validating and sharing a complex end-to-end analytical protocol for analyzing longitudinal data, e.g., fMRI. A summary of this protocol is included below and the complete protocol documentation is available here.

CSCD High-Dimensional Longitudinal Data Analytics
Figure: High-Dimensional Longitudinal Data Analytics.

Pressure Injury Modeling and Prediction Webapp

We developed an AI/ML webapp forecasting the probability of hospitalized patients to develop pressure injuries. This app allows clinicians to identify and preemptively target patients at high risk for developing pressure injuries.
CSCD Pressure Injury Webapp
Figure: Pressure Injury Modeling and Prediction Webapp.

Curricular Developments